Iman My little Muslim Friend
Iman, my little Muslim friend, is a light, soft, and fluffy doll that brings joy to kids. Press her hands to hear her talk about her hobbies and sing a delightful song about the city of Medina.
Mohammed My Little Muslim Friends
My Little Muslim Friend Mohammed speaks when you press her hands. Discover Maryams favourite hobbies and hear her recite ” Tala Al Badru Alayna” and We are the best of friends.
Maryam Talking Doll
My Little Muslim Friend Maryam Speaks when you press her hands. Discover Maryams favourite hobbies and hear her recite ” Tala Al Badru Alayna” and We are the best of friends.
Hana Muslim Doll My Little Muslim Friends
My Little Muslim Friend Hana Speaks when you press her hands. Discover Hana favourite hobbies and hear her recite ” Tala Al Badru Alayna” and We are the best of friends.
Aamina Talking Muslim Doll
A 16″ soft plush doll talks and sings with interactive hands, feet, and nose. This is an enjoyable way for your children to learn about Islam and it’s teachings!