Online Islamic Children Books Store UK

The best way you can introduce the beauty and values of Islam to your children is with our extensive collection of Islamic books at Amsons.Our selection includes a variety of Children's Islamic Book, from engaging Islamic story books that captivate with tales of prophets and heroes to interactive books that teach about the pillars of Islam and prayer.

Whether you are looking for Islamic books for toddlers in the UK or educational materials for older children, our Muslim Children's Books Store has you covered. Explore our curated collection of books suitable for every age group, including Islamic books for 8-year-olds, Islamic books for 10-year-olds, and Islamic books for 12-year-olds. Each book is thoughtfully selected to provide meaningful lessons and a fun foundation in Islamic knowledge and morality.

Safar Teacher’s Guide For Islamic Studies 2

0 out of 5

Lesson planning is crucial for organized, effective teaching and learning. The Safar Teacher’s Guide provides a structured framework, helping teachers align activities, assessments, and resources to course objectives, encouraging adaptation and creativity in the classroom.

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Safar Teacher’s Guide For Islamic Studies 3

0 out of 5

Lesson planning is crucial for organized, effective teaching and learning. The Safar Teacher’s Guide provides a structured framework, helping teachers align activities, assessments, and resources to course objectives, encouraging adaptation and creativity in the classroom.

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Safar Teacher’s Guide For Islamic Studies 1

0 out of 5

Lesson planning is crucial for organized, effective teaching and learning. The Safar Teacher’s Guide provides a structured framework, helping teachers align activities, assessments, and resources to course objectives, encouraging adaptation and creativity in the classroom.

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I Love Islam Level 3

0 out of 5

"I Love Islam" is a comprehensive course for young believers aged five and above, offering engaging Islamic education through stories, prayers, puzzles, and activities. Colorful illustrations complement the text, making the study of Islam an exciting adventure.

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I Love Islam Level 2

0 out of 5

"I Love Islam" is a comprehensive course for young believers, aged five and above, offering engaging Islamic education through stories, prayers, puzzles, and activities. Colorful illustrations complement the text, making the study of Islam an exciting adventure.

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I Love Islam Level 1 Book

0 out of 5

"I Love Islam" is an engaging course for young believers aged five and above, offering comprehensive Islamic education through stories, prayers, puzzles, and activities. Colorful illustrations enhance the learning experience, making the study of Islam an adventure.

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Colour and Learn the 99 Names of Allah Book

0 out of 5

This beautiful booklet helps young children learn and remember the 99 names of Allah through coloring. Designed to inspire and engage, it allows kids to choose their favorite colors, making the learning process both fun and memorable.

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A Childs Gift Book

0 out of 5

"A Child's Gift" is a beautifully illustrated book for Madrasah children, featuring authentic du'as, 40 hadiths, and surahs. Carefully curated content ensures relevance and age-appropriateness for young readers.

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The Age Of Bliss Hasan And Husayn Ibn Ali Book

0 out of 5

Explore the special bond between Prophet Muhammad and his grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, in this book. Discover how the Prophet doted on them while imparting valuable lessons in good manners and righteous living.

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The Age Of Bliss Ali Ibn Abi Talib

0 out of 5

Ali ibn Abi Talib, the first child to embrace Islam, married Fatima, the Prophet's daughter. As the fourth caliph, he served the Muslim community dutifully, prioritizing their needs above his own.

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The Age Of Bliss Aisha Bint Abu Bakr

0 out of 5

Aisha bint Abu Bakr's inspiring story illuminates the life of early Muslims and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Her dedication ensures the preservation of his teachings for the benefit of Muslims today.

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The Age of Bliss Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

0 out of 5

Explore the remarkable life of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, a pivotal figure in Islamic history, known for his exemplary character. This book vividly portrays his journey from birth through the early years of Islam.

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