Fortress Of The Muslim Book - Dua From The Quran & Sunnah

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Frequent dua to Allah boosts imaan, offers hope, relieves distress, and prevents despair. The Qur'an encourages believers to lay their hopes, fears, and dreams before Allah, assuring His attentive ear.

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The Accepted Whispers Book

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Explore over 200 daily du’as from the Qur’an and Hadith, with English translation and commentary by Khalid Baig. Transliteration and comprehensive references provided for a richer spiritual experience.

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Al-Hisn Al-Haseen Book

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Explore a comprehensive collection of prophetic supplications by ‘Allama Muhammad ibn al-Jazari, featuring English translation and commentary. Organized for daily reading, with Arabic text and Mufti Muhammad Ashiq Ilahi al-Barni's insights.

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The Three Abandoned Prayers Book

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Discover three abandoned yet profound prayers: Salat-ul-Istikharah for guidance, Salat-ul-Tawbah for repentance, and Salat-ul-Tasbih for forgiveness and atonement, explained by Shaikh Adnaan Aali Uroor.

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How To Offer The Salah Correctly Book

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Discover the English translation of "Islah-e-Inqilab Ummat" by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi, addressing societal shortcomings in deeds and worship. Includes essential prayer rulings and purification guidelines.

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A Collection Of Accepted Supplications Book

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A beloved classic collection cherished for 75 years, divided into seven parts for daily reading—one for each day of the week.

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Golden Stories Of Sayyida Khadijah Book

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Discover the remarkable life and character of Sayyida Khadijah (RA), the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), in 'Golden Stories of Sayyida Khadijah' by Abdul Malik Mujahid. A shining example of love, devotion, and righteousness.

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The Prophet Muhammad The Best Of All Husbands Book

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Discover the ideal way to handle marital challenges through the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم. This book offers insights from his marriages, providing guidance for resolving conflicts and finding satisfaction in your marriage.

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Don't let misconceptions deter you from Islam. This book reveals practical opportunities for accumulating rewards in daily life often missed due to lack of knowledge.

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Easy Good Deeds Book - Darul Ishaat

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Discover easy yet rewarding good deeds in 'Easy Good Deeds' by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. This book offers simple ways to earn great rewards in a busy life.

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The Ideal Muslim Society Book

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Explore the hope for a just, free, and sensible society inspired by the golden eras of Islamic Civilization, amidst today's global challenges of war, racism, and turmoil.

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The Ideal Muslim Book

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Discover "The Ideal Muslim" by Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi, defining the true Islamic personality based on the Quran and Sunnah. A beacon for all mankind's guidance and leadership.

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