Ihram Clothing for Hajj & Umrah: Your Complete Guide
Allah’s Messenger, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (Peace Be Upon Him), made Dhul-Huiaifa as the Miqat for the people of Medina; Al-Juhfa for the people of Sham; Qarn-al-Manazil for the people of Najd; and Yalamlam for the people of Yemen; and these Mawaqit are for the people at those very places, and besides them for those who come thorough those places with the intention of performing Hajj and `Umrah; and whoever is living within these boundaries can assume Ihram from the place he starts, and the people of Mecca can assume Ihram from Mecca.
Narrated by Ibn `Abbas (Radeyallāhu ′Anhu)
(Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 1524)
Hajj and Umrah are important worshipping acts in Islam, promising Deen and Duniya benefits if performed righteously. While there are differences between Hajj and Umrah, there are also some commonalities, and wearing the Ihram is one of them. Ihram is the common Faraiz of Hajj and Umrah. Any Muslim man performing Hajj or Umrah needs to wear Ihram till the completion of these worshipping acts. When we perform significant worshipping acts like Hajj, which is the fifth pillar of Islam, it becomes our duty to complete every Faraiz with utmost concentration, without leaving anything behind, to truly gain its benefits.
Ihram is the first Faraiz of Hajj and Umrah. This article is a comprehensive guide to Ihram and covers information that everyone would like to know. So, let’s begin this informative post about Ihram.
What Is Ihram?
Ihram is a state of sanctification assumed by Muslims on the pilgrimage to Mecca. It denotes the sacrifice and belief of Muslims in Islam. After wearing the Ihram and making an intention for Hajj or Umrah, certain limitations apply to that person. Many people think Ihram means only men’s clothing for Hajj and Umrah. In reality, it is a sacred state in which every Muslim must stay until the completion of Hajj and Umrah.
How To Wear Ihram?
- Stand in a comfortable position while spreading your legs wide. It will help set Ihram perfectly without causing discomfort while walking.
- Your Ihram set will include two white clothes. Take the thicker one and place it on one side of your body. Its half surface should be in front of you and rest behind you. Now, start wrapping your lower body, including your stomach. The Ihram cloth’s sides will meet on the opposite side.
- Knot both sides carefully; it shall cover your body securely. Make sure to tie Ihram well above your navel and lower than your knees.
- Now, keep that knot handy and fold the halves of both parts together in front of your body. The folding times will differ based on your height and the cloth’s length. Fold it as many times as required to make a comfortable and secure layer on your lower body.
- The first part of Ihram is complete. Ensure it is wrapped comfortably and securely on your lower body if you feel doubtful about the tightness of the lower part of your Ihram. Do one thing: start rolling and tucking toward the downward position while holding your stomach; after a few folds, release your stomach, and make sure it should be above your navel. After this, your Ihram for the lower body should be firmly wrapped.
- Now, take the second Ihram cloth and put it over your shoulders. Make sure to keep the right side longer than the left side because you will need to wrap one side over your body.
- As we talked about in the previous point, one side should be longer than the other side; now, hold that longer side and use it to cover your torso. You can repeat the process to prevent it from falling; it will bring cloth over your right shoulder. Remember, while performing Hajj or Umrah, during Tawaf, you will be required to cover your left shoulder while exposing the right shoulder. So, while placing the covering on the second part of your body. Don’t cover both shoulders; put the cloth over the left shoulder only and wrap the Ihram while exposing the right shoulder.
Ihram Clothing Rules
After wearing the Ihram, there are specific rules which every Muslim man has to follow; they are as follows:
No Stitched Clothes Allowed
Men Ihram’s clothes are unstitched. During Hajj and Umrah, you can’t wear stitched clothes on your body.
No Cap
Male pilgrims can’t cover their heads while performing Hajj or Umrah. Many of us have the habit of covering our heads with clothes, caps, turban, and more. Make sure you do not cover your head.
No Gloves And Socks
For male pilgrims, wearing gloves and socks during the state of Ihram is not allowed. You are not allowed to cover your feet with socks and hands with gloves. Also, your shoes should not cover your ankle. Purchase Hajj/Umrah-friendly shoes.
No Fragrance
This limitation is applied to both male and female pilgrims. Any Muslim performing Hajj or Umran is not allowed to apply any kind of fragrance during the state of Ihram. This limitation covers a variety of products, apart from perfumes, and one can’t use soap, shampoo, oil, or any other product that has fragrance.
Nowadays, Hajj and Umrah-friendly products are easily available in the market; one can use them during these sacred acts.
No Hair And Nail Cutting
While performing Hajj or Umrah, pilgrims are not allowed to cut their nails or hair. It is advisable to properly trim your nails and clean your body before wearing Ihram and making the intention to pilgrimage.
Avoid Hunting Land Animals
During Hajj and Umrah, hunting any land animal is prohibited. Now, you may wonder what kind of limitation is that, earlier, it used to take around 4 months to complete the Hajj journey. Now, due to facilities, we can complete the Hajj or Umrah journey conveniently. Earlier, this limitation used to be tough for pilgrims.
No Sexual Activities
All kinds of sexual interactions between spouses are wholly prohibited for pilgrims performing Hajj or Umrah. Even touching your spouse, like holding hands with the intention of lust, is not allowed.
Other Things To Remember
- To get the most benefit from your Hajj or Umrah, avoid fighting and protect yourself from every kind of sin.
- Do not apply olive and sesame oil on your body; they contain scent.
Important Point
These limitations may look challenging to follow, but they can be followed easily. Nowadays, the market is filled with Hajj and Umrah-friendly products. There are many Islamic marketplaces, such as Amsons UK, that make Islamic products accessible to everyone. These restrictions shall not demotivate you to perform Hajj or Umrah. Also, talk with any knowledgeable Islamic scholar or join any learning camp to know all the important Masāʼils. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala accept our Hajj and Umrah.
Ideal Umrah Clothes According To Makkah Weather
For Hajj 2024, the cotton Ihram would be suitable, as it is coming in the summer season when the temperature in Saudi Arabia will be high. So, cotton Ihram would be ideal for every Muslim man performing Hajj.
There is no ideal Ihram clothing for Umrah, as it can be performed anytime in the year. You need to check the weather of Makkah before selecting an Ihram for the Umrah journey. If you are planning to perform Umrah in the winter season, then a towel Ihram would be ideal; otherwise, a cotton Ihram will do the job.
Amsons – Best Hajj And Umrah Ihram Clothing Shop In The UK
If you are going to perform Hajj or Umrah and looking for an ideal shop to purchase Ihram in the UK, then Amsons UK is the perfect match for you. Amsons is an Islamic lifestyle shop that offers a wide range of Islamic products. From simple cotton Ihram to men’s towel Ihram, they have an extensive range of every type of Hajj and Umrah clothing. For convenience, you can also purchase a men’s Ihram bundle that contains all the necessary items required to perform Hajj and Umrah.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Is The Ihram Clothing for Kids?
Some people think taking kids along with them in Hajj or Umrah is not permissible. However, it is permissible, and one can perform Hajj or Umrah along with their kids. The kids’ attire for Hajj or Umrah will be the same as adult ones, i.e., male kids will wear Ihram, and female kids will wear an Abaya/Hijab or any suitable attire to cover their body as guided by Islam.
What Is The Ihram Clothing For Women?
Instead of Ihram, female pilgrims wear Abayas, a full-length dress that covers their bodies from head to toe. Abayas are available in multiple varieties and colours, so one can choose one according to one’s preference.
Hajj and Umrah are significant worshipping acts in Islam, possessing multiple benefits for the performers. There are numerous Faraizs in Hajj and Umrah, and Ihram is the first Faraiz in both of them. It becomes essential to know all the details related to Ihram to make sure everything runs smoothly. In this post, we have shared the necessary information pertaining to Ihram. Hajj and Umrah bring you close to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala ; you should also learn every detail from books and Islamic scholars. This post will be helpful for you, but it is advisable to also refer to sources for complete information about every specific Masāʼils. Also, remember to check the extensive range of Ihram and other Hajj and Umrah attire ranges available in Amsons UK.